
Monday, July 16, 2012

I Love Free Software

I Love Free Software

Free Pregnancy Software To Track Pregnancy Status

Posted: 15 Jul 2012 03:30 PM PDT

Pregnancy Calculator is a free pregnancy software that shows you the expected delivery date. Using this software you can easily track the pregnancy status. This small in size pregnancy software comes in a file size of only 929 KB.

The interface of this software is easy to understand because the information displayed in a straight-forward manner. This pregnancy software simply needs the first day of your last period to do it's work.

Pregnancy calculator

To get started with this software, you need to launch this pregnancy software and choose the first day of your last period from the calendar displayed on the interface. The date entered should be correct, as the complete information displayed by this software totally depends upon the LMP date entered by a user. Once you choose a date, it automatically displays relevant information related to pregnancy on the main interface.

Pregnancy Calculator displays the information like, the date on which the baby was probably conceived, starting date of 2nd Trimester, starting date of 3rd Trimester, number of weeks and days you are pregnant, number of weeks and days left for the due date.

The good part is that it even shows you the Expected Delivery Date and the astrological sign of the baby.

If you are using an Android phone, then you would surely like to try best pregnancy apps for Android.

Key Features Of This Pregnancy Software:

  • User-friendly and simple interface.
  • Small in size pregnancy software with a file size less than 1 MB.
  • Shows you the Expected Delivery Date.
  • You are even allowed to Print the results with a single click on Print option.
  • Displays the expected weeks and days left for the due date.
  • Minimize this software to your system tray with a single click.

Also, check out Pregnancy Status Tracker reviewed by us.

How To Download And Install This Pregnancy Software:

  • Open the homepage of Pregnancy Calculator and click the download link under Pregnancy Calculator.
  • A zip file of Pregnancy Calculator will be downloaded into your system.
  • Unzip the Pregnancy Calculator Zip file and run the application file.

Pregnancy Calculator is a completely free pregnancy software that lets you track pregnancy progress and shows you the expected delivery date. Download Pregnancy Calculator free.

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Free Pregnancy Software To Track Pregnancy Status was originally published at I Love Free Software

Speed Up your Computer with Soft4Boost Disk Cleaner

Posted: 15 Jul 2012 02:00 PM PDT

Soft4Boost Disk Cleaner is a free disk cleaning utility which will scan your computer, look for any junk files that might have gathered over time, delete them and leave you with more disk space and a faster computer system. Buildup of unnecessary files can cause a lot of problems, in extreme cases it might even cost you money, so it’s very important to delete junk files, with Soft4Boost Disk Cleaner you can do exactly that, completely free.

Soft4Boost Disk Cleaner default window

As you can see from the image above, Soft4Boost Disk Cleaner can clean a lot of different system areas where unwanted files have a habit of piling up:

  • Temporary Internet Files
  • Unused Empty Folders
  • Junk Files
  • Broken Shortcuts
  • Recycle Bin

These are not the only places where Soft4Boost Disk Cleaner can free up your disk space, there is another option at the top right corner called Duplicate Finder, which is very useful for all those who have large data collections. This feature will look for any files which have the same name, and then it will offer you to choose the ones that you want to delete in order to free up space. Let’s first see how exactly can we get rid of unwanted files with the basic cleaning options at our disposal.

Similar software: Kingsoft PC Doctor, Argente Utilities, Windows Repair.

Delete junk files with Soft4Boost Disk Cleaner

The 5 system areas that can be scanned and from where junk files can be deleted are listed above. For those who are not familiar what exactly each one of these options will delete, here are short explanations.

Temporary internet files are files which internet browsers create when visiting websites. Each website is made up of files, which have to be downloaded to your computer before being shown. With time these files can eat up a lot of disk space, especially if your browser’s temporary files storage is set to very high.

Be careful when working with Unused Empty Folders options, which will delete all the unused folders. You might delete folders that are empty now, but which are needed by other programs later on, and if they are not there, you might receive errors.

Broken shortcuts are shortcuts that are left after you delete a program. Leftover installation files and system temporary files are what falls under the Junk Files category. Last cleaning method, Recycle Bin should be pretty clear to everyone, so we’re not gonna mention it.

Soft4Boost Disk Cleaner usage

To find files click on Start Scanning program will then list them on the left side. After you do that clicking on the Fix Problems will start deleting unwanted files.

Find and delete duplicate files and folders

Soft4Boost Disk Cleaner duplicate files

Searching for duplicate files and folders is very easy. Just select the location where you want to look for duplicate files, add it to the list, choose which search parameters you want and then hit Start Scanning. After the scan is finished, just click on Fix Problems and you’re done. Soft4Boost Disk Cleaner offers a lot of options for speeding up the computer and deleting unnecessary files, so make sure to try it out, it’s free.

Related posts:

  1. DiskMax – Free System Cleaner to Speed Up Computer
  2. Free Disk Cleaning Software For Windows: Gilisoft Free Disk Cleaner
  3. Baisvik Disk Cleaner: Delete Temporary and Junk Files

Speed Up your Computer with Soft4Boost Disk Cleaner was originally published at I Love Free Software

Set Timers with Free Desktop Stopwatch: Outta timer

Posted: 15 Jul 2012 12:30 PM PDT

Outta timer is a free desktop accessory which functions similar to a stopwatch and can be used to monitor events. In fact, it's more rather than a simple stopwatch as it offers a couple of functionalities which makes it one of the must-have accessories for your desktop. This free utility runs on .NET framework and does not have any other specific requirements.

Basic functions of Outta Timer Online Stopwatch:

  • Count Up timer: As soon as you hit this button the timer is set to 00:00:00 and starts counting up. The timer only stops in two conditions: either on clicking the stop button or if it reaches its maximum limit of 99:59:59.


  • Start button: Now suppose you wish to initiate the count down timer, this can be done by pushing the start button. As you can see above, we stopped the count up timer at 10 sec. If we hit the start button, the count down timer will initiate a count down timer from 10 and stop at 0.


  • Stop button: The utility of stop button has been well explained in the above portion and hence as the name suggests you can stop the timer by hitting this button.
  • Reset button: The function of reset button is akin to the stop button with the only difference that it also zeroes the value of the timer in the readout.

Setting the countdown timer

Suppose you wish to enter a value to launch the count down timer. You can do it by following the steps given below:

  • Click on the hour, minute or second box.


Here we clicked on the hour box.

  • A dialog box will appear where you would have to choose a valid number for that particular field.


Here we chose 2. As you see in the snapshot below, the hour box is set to 02. The same can be done for other boxes.


  • Hit the Start button to initiate the timer.

Setting your timer playlist

One of the most innovative and interesting features of Outta Timer, which I personally liked was setting a timer playlist. This allows you to set as many timers as you wish. This can be used in presentation or events which are time choreographed such as event management and others. This is how you can use it:

  • You can specify a timer name for each timer. However this is optional.


  • You need to specify a valid time value for each timer. With valid I mean, the following format:  hh:mm:ss. For instance, as you can see in the snapshot the free_soft timer is set as 01:02:03 which corresponds to one hour, two minutes and three seconds.


  • Now suppose you wish to launch the first timer, all you need to do is click on the corresponding row and hit the start button.

Another important aspect of this feature is that if the Continuous option is checked, the next timer in your list will start automatically as soon as the present countdown completes.

Other features

  • Audible "Ding" to notify you when timer expires. Can be muted.
  • Save and import timer list.


Outta Timer is a great free desktop utility if you wish to have something that offers you more functionalities than a stopwatch does. Simple and efficient, outta timer does not have any negative aspect.

Download Outta Timer for free

Related posts:

  1. Xnote Stopwatch: Free digital stopwatch/Countdown Timer
  2. Free Timer Software For Windows: Free Desktop Timer
  3. Free Desktop Timer Software with Pomodoro Technique: Flowkeeper

Set Timers with Free Desktop Stopwatch: Outta timer was originally published at I Love Free Software

Insert Common Phrases and Expressions Automatically with PhraseExpress

Posted: 15 Jul 2012 11:00 AM PDT

PhraseExpress is a free tool which will automatically insert phrases that you use frequently into text editors, emails, chat windows, basically into every text input field, using keyboard shortcuts, mouse clicks or text triggers. Those who are writing a lot of texts each day are probably familiar with the problem of typing common phrases over and over again, this is especially true for email messages, with PhraseExpress you can automate that operation and save time.

PhraseExpress default window

Upon installation PhraseExpress will start running in the system tray, in order to call up the window which you can see on the screenshot above, you’ll have to right click on the tray icon and select Settings. In this window you have complete control over the application and it allows you to manage expressions and phrases. You can add new ones and edit or delete old ones. PhraseExpress does not come equipped with phrases by default, you’ll have to teach it your phrases and that’s exactly what you can do in the Settings window above, but that’s not the easiest ways of teaching PhraseExpress expressions that you frequently use.

Similar software: InType.

Insert common phrases and expressions automatically with PhraseExpress

Like we said, to start inserting common expressions and phrases into your emails and text, you’re first gonna have to teach PhraseExpress the expressions that you use. An example of an expression would be an introduction to an official email, something like:

Dear Sir/Madam

followed of course by your message, where you can also insert common phrases and expressions with the help of PhraseExpress. Apart from right clicking the tray icon and selecting Settings, there’s another, more convenient way of how you can add an expression and that is to write it down somewhere and copy it:

PhraseExpress adding expression

after which you need to right click on the tray icon and from there select Create new phrase. Doing that will open up a window where you can make various different adjustments to your expressions, more importantly you can add triggers which will automatically add this particular expression into any text that you might be working on.

PhraseExpress trggers setting

There are two ways of how you can add triggers to a particular expression, and we used them both on the image above. As you can see, we’ve decided to create a keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + I, and we’ve also used another useful feature called Autotext, which will automatically add our phrase or expression into a text field. See the image above, we’ve started typing the Autotext trigger inside the field, ex 1, on the last line, and if we clicked the space bar that trigger text would have been converted into the the recorded phrase, like all the one before that line. Keyboard shortcut works the same way, and if you want to edit a particular expression just open up the Settings and change it to the way you like it from there.

Phrase Express is a completely free tool, which is gonna save you a lot of time that you would normally spend on typing same thing over and over again. Download it and install for free.

Related posts:

  1. Free Auto Text Software To Assist in Typing: PhraseExpress
  2. Download wReplace: Replace Many Text Phrases Together
  3. Free Expression Calculator: Download MagicPlot Free

Insert Common Phrases and Expressions Automatically with PhraseExpress was originally published at I Love Free Software

Protect Your Eyes Reminds You To Take Breaks While Working on PC

Posted: 15 Jul 2012 09:30 AM PDT

Protect Your Eyes is a free eye protection software which helps you to protect your eyes by alerting you about the breaks to be taken while working on computer. This eye protecting software is small in size, with file size of only 23 KB.

This eye protection software helps you in preventing the eye strains that are mainly caused due the long and continuous working hours without breaks in between. So with the help of this tool you will be reminded about the breaks that you should take while working on computers for long hours.

Protect Your Eyes

The interface of this eye protection software is clean and straight-forward, so even the beginners could easily use this tool. For using Protect Your Eyes, you need to select your preferred pre-set time interval from the dropdown menu, click the Set interval button, now you need to click the Start button. You will come across a confirmation pop-up which says "the application is going in the background mode now", click the OK button to close the pop-up.

When the set time interval is over, the main interface appears on the screen along with a pop-up window which says "Please take a break now". In this way, you are reminded about the breaks which you should take in between long working hours.

Don't forget to check out other two software for eye exercise on computer.

Key Features Of This Eye Protection Software:

  • No installation required.
  • Pre-set time intervals starting from 1 minute upto 2 hours.
  • Small in size eye protection software with a file size of only 23 KB.
  • Hide the program with a single click on Hide button.
  • Protect your eyes from eye strains.
  • Easy to use program.

Also, check out RestBreak reviewed by us.

How To Get Started With This Eye Protection Software:

  • Go on to the homepage of this eye protection software and click the download button.
  • A zip file of Protect your Eyes will be downloaded into your system.
  • Unzip the zip file of this software and run the application file.

Protect Your Eyes is a tiny tool which offers a simple way to prevent eye strains caused due to continuous work. Download Protect your eyes  for free.

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Protect Your Eyes Reminds You To Take Breaks While Working on PC was originally published at I Love Free Software

5 Free Software To Play Chess On Computer

Posted: 15 Jul 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Here, are 5 free software to play chess on computer. If you love to play chess, then it's worth trying out these downloadable chess games on your computer. Playing chess on these chess game software gives you exactly the the same feel of playing chess on the chess board.

Some of these desktop chess games even allow you to take help from the Hint option for making moves in order to play the game. These chess games are easy to play, as you simply need to use your mouse for making moves. Try these chess games for free.

Brutal Chess

Brutal Chess

Brutal Chess is a free open source chess game to play chess on computer. This Chess Game offers full 3D graphics, so you will definitely enjoy playing chess in Brutal chess. Brutal chess launches with a straight-forward interface that includes a chess board and it's pieces. For making moves you need to use the mouse, select the piece which you want to move by clicking on it, then click the column where you want to place the piece. That’s all you need to do for playing chess in this chess program. Brutal chess lets you play the chess in a straight-forward manner, as it does not includes any other game option or level selection option, etc. Try Brutal Chess for free, you will fall in love with the 3D graphical interface of this desktop chess software.

Yea Chess

Yea Chess

Yea Chess is another free game to play chess on PC. This program to play chess comes with a small interface that includes a small chess board and it's pieces. For playing chess, you need to use the mouse, select the piece which you want to move by clicking on it and for making a move you need to simply drag it. This chess game includes game options and few other options. Within the game options you can start a new game as White or Black, save game at the current position, load game, etc. Other options allows you to set the computer strength in the game play, choose the default window size, etc. Try Yea Chess for free.

Don't forget to check out our post on free chess apps for iPhone.


Arasan Chess

Arasan is another completely free chess program to play chess, developed for Windows and Linux users. Unlike other chess programs, this chess program includes several customization options. It includes Appearance options which allow you to select the type of piece font and you can even select the board size between small, medium, large, and extra large. You can even select you preferred colors for the chess board with the help of Board colors option. Arasan even include few Game options to rotate chess board, view game moves, take back the move, make the computer play with White, etc. It provides Browse options to access the previously played game with a single click. Like the above reviewed chess programs, this chess game is also played with the help of mouse.

100% Free Chess

100% Free Chess

100% Free Chess is a totally free chess software for PC that allows you to play chess like a professional player. Unlike other chess program, this chess game offers you a practice mode to practice the chess. You can even check the tutorials for learning the chess moves. 100% Free Chess is suitable for the beginners, as it contributes a lot in chess learning. For playing chess in this chess program, you need to click and drag the pieces using the mouse. The main interface in which you play the chess includes options like Hint, Undo, and Menu. Hint options gives you hint for making moves, Undo option lets you take back the move and Menu option include new game, practice, exit, settings, history, and help option. 100% Free Chess is an awesome chess game to play and learn chess.

You might also like to check out free Android chess apps reviewed by us.

Knight's Gambit

Knight's Gambit

Knight's Gambit is another free chess game to play chess on your computer screen. This program to play chess allows you to choose the game view between 2D and 3D, so you can easily switch between 2D and 3D view and you can even rotate the chess board. The good part is that it even allows 2 users to play this game on the same computer. You can choose to play with White or Black. Knight's Gambit even allows you to choose the board type and font type. This Chess game comes with Hint option to provide you hint on chess moves for winning the game. Undo option helps you to take back the move if you have made a wrong move. This Chess game comes with a Save Game option to save the game which you playing currently. Knight's Gambit offers an attracting game interface with only necessary game options.

So, these are some of the best chess games for PC that we came across. If you are an avid Chess player, these chess software would let you enjoy your favorite game on your PC as well.

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5 Free Software To Play Chess On Computer was originally published at I Love Free Software

Free Facebook Phishing Protection

Posted: 15 Jul 2012 06:30 AM PDT

FB Phishing Protector is a free Firefox addon which will help protect your Facebook account from being stolen by malicious hackers. Phishing is a very popular method of stealing usernames and password. Sadly not many people are familiar with the concept behind phishing and each day, more and more people lose their online accounts due to being misinformed, with FB Phishing Protector addon, you can protect at least your Facebook account.

FB Phishing Protector default window

What you see on the image above is pretty much everything that you will see from FB Phishing Protector, this small pop up window will only appear after you visit the Facebook page and its purpose is to inform the user that their Facebook account is protected, FB Phishing protection is working in the background. Phishing isn’t the only online danger from which this handy Firefox plugin can protect you, it can also detect code injection and warn you about it.

Facebook phishing protection with FB Phishing Protector

Biggest threat of phishing lays in the fact that it’s relatively easy to create a phishing page, there’s a lot of tutorials out there where even those who aren’t very computer savvy can find out how to setup a phishing scam and take revenge on their ex, or anyone else for that matter. Facebook phishing page can be easily detected if you know what to look for. Some of the signs that you’re on a phishing page would be:

  • Web address has something else in it’s name besides
  • As of late Facebook has SSL encryption on logins – that colored square in the URL bar
  • Page design is shoddy
  • You receive emails where Facebook asks you to login or for your password

These are just some of the dangers that wait for your usual Facebook user, others also exist, for example Facebook chat can be dangerous place were fake Facebook phishing pages can be found. If you already know about these dangers, then great, but in case you’ve never heard about the dangers of phishing and you’re not that interested in learning about it, then FB Phishing Protector is just the thing for you.

FB Phishing Protector options

Only settings that you can change in FB Phishing Protector would be the type of notification that you’ll get once that you come across an attack website.

FB Phishing Protector phishing attack

An example of a pop up warning for a Facebook phishing attack can be seen above. Similar warning will be received if someone tries to steal your Facebook information through malicious code injection.


Even though majority of AV programs out there will provide you with similar protection, most of them will not work with newer attack websites, because they block phishing pages based on their URLs. What FB Phishing Protector does is it scans the website you visit, checks if it’s a Facebook login page and then checks the URL to see if it’s really Facebook. In case that it’s not, if what you are visiting is just an imitation it will warn you and your login information will be saved. Install FB Phishing Protector and increase your FB security, free addon.

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Free Facebook Phishing Protection was originally published at I Love Free Software

Reset Your PC’s Registry Settings with RefreshPC

Posted: 15 Jul 2012 05:00 AM PDT

RefreshPC is the perfect application for those of you who wish to reset PC's registry settings and bring them back to the original state as it was when you first installed the OS. This free system utility is quite handy when you want to fix all the problems which your computer might have encountered. With your computer being used for a period of time tends to get prone to misconfiguration in terms of programs or other registry values. In order to fix these, RefreshPC acts as perfect program and does the process quite quickly indeed. If you want to get rid of all the misconfigurations in your PC and reset PC’s registry settings safely, RefreshPC is what you are looking for.

Installing RefreshPC to reset registry settings

For installing the software on your system you need to visit the link here and click on the download button. On clicking the download button the download process would start and it would take a couple of minutes before getting downloaded on your system. After you have the installer on your system the next step is to run the setup process which is carried out by a step by step setup. If you are looking for a good PC maintenance utility after refreshing your PC with RefreshPC, you can try Advanced SystemCare Free, WinUtilities Free and TweakNow.

Using RefreshPC to reset registry settings

The moment you start the program a popup would appear asking you if you wish to create a restore point before you run the program to perform its function. It is the 1st and last time the program would give you the option of creating a restore point in case you would need it after you run the entire cleanup process.

In case you click on yes the restore point creation process starts and takes a few seconds to create a restore point.

The next window you see is the main window of the program which summarizes the current situation of the system which includes the information about the OS, and some other options. At the bottom you have the big button which upon being clicked refreshes the entire windows system and its settings.

 Some of the notable features of RefreshPC are as follows:

  • It helps in reduction of errors in the viewer.
  • Fixes all the misconfigurations which might have been creating problems such as slow boots.
  • It will clean all the temporary folders.
  • It helps in resetting the key registry entries to their basic default values.

Download RefreshPC free.

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Reset Your PC’s Registry Settings with RefreshPC was originally published at I Love Free Software


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