
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I Love Free Software

I Love Free Software

Enhance Search Engine Experiences with SmartSuggestor

Posted: 02 Jul 2012 06:30 PM PDT

SmartSuggestor is a free browser add-on which is an effective search engine tool meant to help you surf the web better. It improves searching, sharing, and shopping on the internet. When you search on a search engine, it shows keywords related to your search to narrow your search better, it shows preview of videos in search results, it shows Wikipedia articles, shows shopping discounts, and more.


Installation was very easy and started immediately after I clicked the download button on the product page. I was however alarmed by the caution from Mozilla. It labelled the author of the add on as "not verified" and proceeded to inform me of the risk of installing. I chose to ignore the warning and went on to install Smart Suggester.

Features of Smart Suggestor:

Smart Suggestor has quite a number of features:

  • The keyword suggestion feature uses the keyword you are searching for to suggest similar keywords. This may very well help you when you are searching for something you are not sure of and it makes your search more faster.
  • Preview Videos on Search Engine: Search videos on the internet can yield thousands of results. However, getting a preview of the videos requires that you open each. With Smart Suggestor, you can preview video without leaving Google.
  • The Google Image results search allows you to search for images related to keywords you type and also preview them without opening the respective websites.
  • Anytime you open a site on your browser, Smart Suggestor searches for websites similar to the one you opened and offers them as suggestion.
  • Smart Highlights feature allows you to search any word or item on a site and search it instantly on Google. This feature goes ahead to show you the location of an address on Google Maps by highlighting the address and then clicking the map icon.


  • Smart Suggestor shopping suggestions make sure you do not pay too much for anything you buy online. It is able to obtain an average price of what you are purchasing and alerts you if you are about to pay much more.
  • Smart Shopping buddy helps you do your shopping. The Superfish powered feature makes sure that you get the best price on items you purchase online.
  • The Smart Search Engine tool brings the auto complete feature to web searching. Just by typing a couple of letters, it can immediately figure out what you are searching for and offer appropriate suggestions.
  • Smart Suggestor Wikipedia articles displays all articles related to the keyword.
  • Smart Suggester Twitter widget allows you to view what people on Twitter are saying about your keywords.

How to use it this search engine tool

Keyword suggestions can be viewed at the top of the Google's toolbar. Click on any of them to access Smart Suggester bubble.Web results of the keyword are viewed as default. You can preview videos and pictures of the suggested keyword by clicking on the respective buttons on the bubble. Wikipedia articles related to the key word can be accessed via the Wikipedia button. You can view what people on Twitter are saying about the keyword you just searched.


Program settings can be accessed via from the icon at the top left corner of your browser or your search engine. From this interface you can remove Smart Suggestor from any search engine and enable or disable any feature.



I loved the idea behind Smart Suggestor  and found it very useful. However, some of its features like the Smart search box were not any different from what you find on a search engine like Google. I felt a bit insecure trusting a third arty application which even Mozilla could guarantee its safety with my search history and other sensitive information. Smart Suggestor shopping and Buddy are a delight for online shoppers; you don’t have to pay a cent more with these two at your disposal. Unlike other toolbars which occupy too much space on your browser, Smart Suggester is able to stay out of sight while still working to make your online experience better.


Smart Suggestor is definitely one  Search Engine tool you need to have to experience the full potential of the web.

Related posts:

  1. Price Comparison Search Engine: TheSeaApp
  2. Exalead Desktop Search Engine: Free Desktop Search Engine
  3. Everything Search Engine – Search Your Computer For Free

Enhance Search Engine Experiences with SmartSuggestor was originally published at I Love Free Software

Free Folder Compare Software For Windows: BS Folder Compare

Posted: 02 Jul 2012 05:00 PM PDT

BS Folder Compare is a free folder compare software that helps you to compare Folders. By comparing the folders using this software you will recognize the differences or identicality between two folders.

This folder compare software comes with a straight-forward and very simple user interface, that could be easily understood even by the beginners or non-technical users. The user-interface include 2 sections Folder 1 and Folder 2 with Process, Selection, About and Exit button.

BS Folder Compare

BS Folder Compare is a lightweight software, as it comes in a file size of only 562 KB. The software is easy to use, as you simply need to choose a folder in each of the sections, after choosing a folder in folder 1 section and folder 2 section, you need to click the Process button. It shows you the complete folder structure within the interface in a tree view, and the good part is that, it even generates a folder comparison report on your default browser.

The folder comparison report is generated in HTML format, and is automatically displayed in your default browser. The report has Left section and Right section. Left section shows files of Folder 1 which are not present in Folder 2. Right section shows files of Folder 2 which are not present in Folder 1.

BS Folder Compare 001

BS Folder compare is a powerful software that compares two folders quickly. If you are looking for a simple and user-friendly tool to compare folders, then it's worth trying out this folder compare software.

Don't forget to check out Compare Advance reviewed by us.

Some Key Features Of BS Folder Compare:

  • Small in size folder compare software with a file size of only 562 KB.
  • Very basic and straight-forward user-interface.
  • Generates and shows you the comparison report on your default web browser.
  • Option to skip hidden files and folders.
  • Include or Exclude file extensions from the folder comparison.
  • Shows the folder structure in a tree view.

You would also like to check out WinMerge reviewed by us.

How To Download And Install BS Folder Compare:

  • Visit the homepage of BS folder Compare and click the download link.
  • A zip file of BS folder compare will be downloaded into your system.
  • Extract the zip format file and run the exe file of BS Folder Compare.
  • Follow further instructions to install BS Folder Compare.

BS Folder Compare is a folder comparison utility to compare folders and check their identicality. Download BS Compare Folder for free.

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Free Folder Compare Software For Windows: BS Folder Compare was originally published at I Love Free Software

Download Flickr Photos to Digital Photo Frames: Flickr2Frame

Posted: 02 Jul 2012 03:30 PM PDT

Flickr2Frame is a small and handy utility which can be used to scour the large collection of images that is available on Flickr and automatically populate your USB digital image frames with pics that were found online. Even though it doesn’t seem like that at first, the creators of this automatic image frame downloader had ease of use in mind when they were creating it, which can be seen from the rather simplistic interface that Flickr2Frame sports.

Flickr2Frame default window

Similar software: Image Ripper, The image Collector.

Depending on what kind of USB image frame you have, it will probably be detected by the program automatically. In our situation that was not the case, and that’s why we see a warning on the default program image above where we are asked to Select a Frame. Even if the Frame is recognized, you’re gonna have to enter options and enter Flickr information, so in any case the following step cannot be avoided.

Configuring Flickr2Frame – automatic Flickr to Frame image downloader

Configuration menu cannot be accessed directly from the main app, although you will be offered to open up the Config window once that the error that you can see above appears. If you miss the chance to open up the config menu it can be opened by clicking on the ConfigFrame.exe file which can be found in the application folder, the one that you’ve downloaded from the web. After you run the config, you should see the following window:

Flickr2Frame config window

There are two portions of it that you have to fill out. First part would be Frame configuration, if it wasn’t recognized immediately. The Frame Type selection would be the most important field, because that’s where you select what kind of USB interface the program will use to communicate with the Frame. Generic setting should work on majority of devices, so try that first before moving to others which are offered. Another important option would be to choose the Photo Directory, directory where your USB Frame stores images it uses.

Second part of the configuration relates to Flickr, it’s where you can choose what kind of account will be used to connect to this image sharing website. You can even access your own images by entering the information about your own account. Make sure to fill out all the fields with their proper information, like API key, authentication tokens and so on.

Those who either do not have a Flickr account or are just not willing to share it with Flickr2Frame can click on the Use Flicr2Frame Sample Value button. After doing that, the default information provided by the program itself are filled out which makes things a lot easier.

Flickr2Frame downloading images

Once that you are finished changing all the options, and after clicking on the Save button, you will be warned that the selected image directory on the Frame will be deleted, and after you click Yes, Flickr2Frame will start downloading images and populating it with images that it found on Flickr. You can then start enjoying images on your USB digital image frame, and if you want new ones just rerun Flickr2Frame. Simple and easy, try it, it’s free.

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Download Flickr Photos to Digital Photo Frames: Flickr2Frame was originally published at I Love Free Software

Free Employee Scheduling Software to Schedule as Per Employee Skills

Posted: 02 Jul 2012 02:00 PM PDT

Schedulewhere is a free employes scheduling software which helps the users to manage human resources better and in an easier way. It enables the user to schedule any number of employees to any number of tasks. The employees may have varying capabilities. The tasks might be at different locations and of different length. This employee scheduling software is especially geared towards situations where the task length vary from a few minutes to a few hours, and are ad hoc in nature.

Now the user has to no longer worry about scheduling tasks to resources in a compact and efficient manner. The user can add persons with their names and information. One can also color code them and set their capabilities. One can assign personnel to the same assignment but at different times of the day. ScheduleWhere is an innovative software to aid you in scheduling employees and managing things easily.

Features of this Employee Scheduling Software:

  • This calender and time management software is available for free download and usage.
  • The software runs on the following operating systems: Windows 7, Windows 2000, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008,Windows XP, Windows 8, and Windows 2003.
  • The software also suggests assignments that can be scheduled for a particular person. It can also suggest which employee is most suitable for a particular task. This it does by taking into account the person's capabilities, the number of times he has been given this task, and how long he has not done a similar task.
  • The user can print the result of intensive scheduling or even email it directly to his team members.
  • The user can add information like address, city, state, phone number, and email id for each person. One can also pick a particular color to represent the person.
  • This unique software allows the user to mark people present or absent each day and reschedule tasks accordingly.

Interface Of Free Employee Scheduling Software:

The interface of the software is as simple as it gets. Getting used to the software would not have been so easy in the absence of the user friendly interface. The menu bar consists of several buttons. The File button gives the user options like creating a new data file, opening a data file, sending E-Mails, Printing, setting the data and data base parameters. Next comes the View button which allows the user to view the database By Persons and Locations, By Persons, By Locations, By Chains, and By Persons and Chains.


The Print button follows next which lets the user to print By Person, By Location and by Chain. It also allows the user to print 12 cards per sheet of paper which can be passed to the people on the list. It also lets the user to print the scheduled tasks and person in charge of them for previous weeks upto 20 weeks. The next three buttons consist of two arrows and a date. The arrows let the user to shift the current date forward or backward by one week. Add Person allows the user to add persons and their respective information to the list. You need to click The Posting button to add assignments along with its location and time. In order to add multiple tasks and make a chain The Add Chain button is to be used.

Also check out other free employee scheduling software we reviewed earlier, like, Otipo, and ClockIt.

Downloading And Installing The Software

The software can easily downloaded from the publisher's website. The download link is also acquirable from handful other websites. Installation takes a few minutes to take place.

Final Verdict

This scheduling software will unquestionably get a thumbs up from me. Use it to make your life a lot easier. This software will definitely reduce your scheduling woes.

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Free Employee Scheduling Software to Schedule as Per Employee Skills was originally published at I Love Free Software

5 Free Stock Tracker Apps, Extensions For Google Chrome

Posted: 02 Jul 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Here, are 5 free Stock Tracker apps and extensions for Google Chrome browser. We normally search stock quotes of different stock exchange markets on Google or any other search engine. Chrome web store has many Stocks Tracker apps and extensions.

Below, we will discuss about Stock Tracker extension, Stop Watch extension; one of the simple stock tracking chrome extension, Free Stock Charts; one of the popular one in Chrome web store, and more.

Stock Tracker:

Stock Tracker

Stock Tracker is a free extension to track stock quotes on Google Chrome browser. This Stock Tracker extension tracks the stock quotes from Google Finance. The extension displays the stock quotes of the stocks which you register in the extension. Also, this Stock Tracker extension displays the stock price, change in price, and percentage change in price in the form of badge on Chrome browser. The extension displays the ticker symbols as they are registered in Google finance. Also, Stock Tracker extension allows you to set the price refresh delay. It provides real-time chart updates with perfect graphs based on price fluctuation of stocks. The extension also changes the ticker and displays the stock quotes according to the different tickers.

Stock Watch:

Stock Watch

Stock Watch is a free Chrome extension to track stock quotes of different stock exchange on Google Chrome browser. This stock tracker extension is a simple extension which tracks stock quotes by searching them in search box. The extension has a small search box to type and search for different symbols. While searching symbols, the extension provides related suggestions of symbols. You can select any symbol from the list of suggestions and track the stock quotes of the symbol selected. You can even add the searched stocks to watch list. Watch list in the extension helps you to get real-time stock quote updates. You can even check index and recently searched stocks.

Stock Watch extension displays the stock value according to price change, current price, and percentage change. The default markets of the extension are U.S. Markets (NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX). Head to Settings→Tools→Extensions→Stock Watch→Options to explore the settings of Stock Watch extension on your Google Chrome browser.

Free Stock Charts:

Stock Charts

Stock Charts is a free stock tracking Chrome app to track Stock quotes on Google Chrome.  Stock Charts is one of the popular stock tracking app in Chrome web store. This stock tracking app shows clear stock chart with the current stock quotes, its percentage and actual ups and down. You can add symbols to watch list and track stock quotes of different stock exchange. The app also shows the graphical presentation of ups and down of the stock selected from the watch list. Stock Charts app shows the real-time changes in the price of the stock market. You can even compare any one stock exchange market from watch list to any other stock exchange market. Moving scale of the app tells you the stock value at different time periods.

Global Index Watch – Stock Markets:

Global Index Watch Extension

Global Index Watch is a free Chrome extension to watch stock index on Chrome browser. This stock tracking extension is an easy tool which provides up to date index quotes on your Google Chrome browser. This extension provides the list of selected stock exchange markets according to the countries selected. The extension tells you the index values, actual change, and percentage change in indexes of stock exchange markets. You can check the list of countries for which the extension allows you to check the stock quotes.

Global Index Watch Countries

The only bad part of Global Index Watch is that, you can't search for stocks of your choice.



Stocks is a free Chrome app to track stock quotes on Chrome. This stock tracking app is a simple app with easy to use interface. On launching the app, you will see the list of stock exchange. You can check the name, symbol, price, percentage change, time and date of the stock exchange quote. Stocks app pulls the stock quotes from Yahoo finance. You can click on any stock exchange or symbol to check the full details on Yahoo finance online. The app even allows you to search for any stock and check the price of it and other details of it. The app allows you to search the stock by its symbol.

Remember: After searching the stock in the app, wait for 15 minutes to let the price and other details of the stock to update. If you want to check the price and other details of the stock, then click on the stock from the search results or the stock list. The app will divert you to Yahoo finance online. There you can check the current stock price in real-time.

If you love to play with Android, then check out Stock Tracking apps For Android. You can also take a look on Currency Converter extensions for Google Chrome.

No related posts.

5 Free Stock Tracker Apps, Extensions For Google Chrome was originally published at I Love Free Software

LibreOffice: Free Office Suite for Linux, Windows and Mac

Posted: 02 Jul 2012 09:30 AM PDT

LibreOffice is one of the best free alternatives to Microsoft’s Office, because it offers the most complete office suit out there. You get practically everything with LibreOffice, which is not the case with similar office programs that we reviewed before, like Kingsoft Office. Set of tools that hides behind LibreOffice is really amazing, you get:

  • Writer
  • Math
  • Impress
  • Draw
  • Calc
  • Base

You can probably guess on your own what some of these are, Writer is LibreOffice equivalent to Office Word, Impress to Power Point, Calc to Excel and Base to Access. There are also other useful utilities like Math and Draw which can be used for writing mathematical equations in case of Math and to draw logos and flowcharts in case of Draw.

Libre Office defualt window

Libre Office is a sibling of OpenOffice, in fact you could say that OpenOffice is an ancestor of LibreOffice because Libre is built on top of the OpenOffice code. OpenOffice was the flagship office suite of the open source community but then the company which was backing OpenOffice, Sun Microsystems, was bought by Oracle and in fear that their favorite office suit will become a commercial product, the open source community forked OpenOffice thus creating LibreOffice.

LibreOffice Writer – Free .doc and .docx editor

LibreOffice Writer is the free alternative to Microsoft’s Office Word and it can even open up Word formats like .doc and .docx.

Libre Office writer app

From the interface screenshot you can see how very similar LibreOffice Writer is to Word, just not Word 2007 or 2010. This is good news for all those who enjoy the look of Office 2003, but not for all those that fancy Word 2010 design more.

Good news is that even though the style is not the same, functionality is there, you can open up the problematic .docx, problematic at least to those who are using Office 2003, where it is not possible to open the file format of newer Word versions.

Libre Office formatting

Formatting and the layout of Word files are preserved, like you can see from the image above where a standard table is open.

Create presentations, spreadsheets and databases with LibreOffice

All of the three apps from the Libre suite mentioned above come with a lot of the same things that you can see in commercial applications, and just like with the LibreOffice Writer, all of these application are offering support for Microsoft Office file formats, and anything that you might have been working on in Office, you can just continue to work on in LibreOffice.

Libre Office calc impress base

Impress, Calc and Base come with pre-made templates which you can edit to your liking if you’re not interested in creating documents from scratch. There are a lot of options available, and the best way to see how powerful these office applications are is to test them out.


LibreOffice gives you the opporutnity to edit and save Microsoft Office documents for free, and not only that. Since this application is cross platform, you can use it on your Windows, Mac, Linux and even BSD systems. If you are looking for a free alternative to Office, then this is what you need, download for free.

Related posts:

  1. Free Office Suite for Windows and Android: Kingsoft Office
  2. Video Tutorials to Install Open Office on Windows, Ubuntu Linux, and Mac
  3. Kingsoft Office Suite 2012: Free Alternative to MS Office

LibreOffice: Free Office Suite for Linux, Windows and Mac was originally published at I Love Free Software

4 Free CRM Software

Posted: 02 Jul 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Here, are 4 free CRM software or applications to help businesses to record and keep track of their customer details. CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. These CRM software are beneficial for  organisations with large customer base.

With the help of these CRM software, you can maintain a good relation with your existing customers by keeping a complete record of them. These CRM software allow your employees to easily access an existing customer's details in no time to provide a better service. These CRM software and applications let you effortlessly manage customers and make your business work smoothly.

Reflect CRM Customer Database

 Reflect Customer Database

Reflect CRM Customer Database is a free CRM software that helps you to record and keep track of customer details or information. This free CRM software helps you to maintain a strong relationship with customers. You can easily access a customer's detail using this CRM software. This CRM software even allows a user to link several notes, to-do items, and events to each customer. You can even filter customer data and generate customer report out of it. This CRM software comes with options like print, email, fax, export to PDF, etc for user convenience. Reflect CRM Customer database comes with a easy to navigate user interface, so your employees won't face an issue in using this free CRM software. Try this CRM software for free.

Read more about Reflect CRM Customer Database or try it here.

Business Manager


Business Manager is a free CRM as well as a business management software that help you to manage your several business activities. With the help of this free business management software, you can record and keep track of all your business customers, personnels, services, etc. This free software comes with an easy to use  and simple user-interface. This business management software even allows you to create a slideshow presentation of your goods and services for attracting customers to purchase your goods. This CRM and business management software proves to be suitable for small and medium sized organization.

Read more about Business Manager or try it here. Also, check out PostBooks reviewed by us.

Zoho CRM

 A screenshot of Zoho CRM.

Zoho CRM is a free web-based CRM software. As it's a CRM software, it mainly focuses on customer relationship management using plug-ins for enhancement of this process and the detailed analytics that shows the progressing customer relationship. Using Zoho CRM, you can even perform workflow management, inventory management, etc. As it's a web-based CRM software, you don't have to download or install anything, simply use this CRM software on your browser. Zoho CRM is suitable for small sized businesses, and it is completely free for up to 3 users.

Read more about Zoho CRM or try it here.



Grafire is a completely free web-based CRM and Project management software designed for managing projects and customers effortlessly. This free CRM software allows you to add customers and send them message, so in this way you can manage your customers. This free CRM software is suitable for designers, coders, freelancer writers, etc, so that they can easily manage their projects and clients. Grafire comes with simple and straight-forward user-interface. The good part is that Grafire is a web-based CRM software, so you are free from the painful process of downloading and installing.

Read more about Grafire or try it here.

So, these were few CRM software and applications that can be used in businesses for managing and maintaining a strong business relation with customers. Don’t miss to check out our post on myERP free online accounting and CRM tool.

Related posts:

  1. BusinessManager: Free Business Management Software
  2. EBI Neutrino CRM – Free Open Source ERP and CRM Software
  3. Reflect CRM Customer Database: Free CRM Software

4 Free CRM Software was originally published at I Love Free Software

Monitor tracking cookies in Firefox with Mozilla Collusion

Posted: 02 Jul 2012 06:30 AM PDT

Mozilla Collusion is a Firefox addon which should be used by every individual who’s worried about privacy intrusions that we are exposed to as soon as we open up a website. This handy little addon will give you a 3D display of all the cookies which are left in Firefox by every internet location opened inside the browser. You will also see a display of connections between various cookies and how they are all interconnected with each other.

Mozilla Collusion default window

It might not seem much, but what you see above actually tells us a lot about what is happening in the background when, in the case of the picture above, we open up the very famous IMDb website. Right off the bat 3 tracking cookies are placed on our computer, one of which is called If you do a Google search on this particular cookie a lot more information about it can be found, for example who’s the owner and what exactly is tracked by it. Same thing can be done for every other cookie that can be seen on the image above.

How bad can tracking cookies really be?

They can be very bad, and you can discover how exactly once that you continue using Mozilla Collusion. Main thing that is problematic about tracking cookies wouldn’t even be the invasion of privacy, a lot of people don’t really take privacy invasion very seriously, as they should, the more problematic thing would be content filtering which is causing you to see only things that cookie controllers want you to see.

Mozilla Collusion cookie second step

The image that you see above is what waits for you after you for example leave the IMDb website and then open up your favorite newspaper website. This new website also has it’s own set of cookies, but what’s more interesting would be the Doubleclick cookie that can be seen pointed out on the image above. This is a tracking cookie that is shared between these two websites and the data which was collected about you on the IMDb site will be given to the cookie on the newspaper site so that the site can change what you see.

Web search and content filtering

Mozilla Collusion is great to show people graphically how exactly the content that they are seeing is being manipulated by majority of websites. On the example of IMDb and the newspaper site, we can imagine that news which we receive upon opening the main website will be suited to the movies or movie stars that we were reading about on the IMDb website. All this is of course done so that the users reach the information that they are interested in more easily, and it also helps ad agencies to server better targeted ads, for example for the DVD of the movie that we were looking at on the IMDb website.

There’s a downside to this type of thing also, because if the content which we are reading only talks about the things that we are interested in, then we will not be informed about other things, and perhaps even about the other side of the story. With Mozilla Collusion you can see more clearly who and how is controlling the information that you’re seeing. Install this Firefox addon for free and see who tracks you exactly.

Download Mozilla Collusion.

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Monitor tracking cookies in Firefox with Mozilla Collusion was originally published at I Love Free Software

Arrange Icons on Desktop in Various Shapes with Desktop Modify

Posted: 02 Jul 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Desktop Modify is one of those programs which can help you to give a new look to your desktop. It lets you arrange your icons in unique shapes on your desktop. This ensures that even if you have lot of icons, your desktop doesn’t looks cluttered.

By using the application you can customize your desktop and add a nice touch to your desktop making it look cute and unique. You may even arrange your icons and make them appear in different shapes and styles. So it's time you got your desktop more attractive and lively as compared to the old boring style you had.

Installing Desktop Modify

In order to install the program it's just a few simple steps that you need to follow, they are as follows:

  • Open the official site of Desktop Modify here
  • Click on the Download Now button at the bottom
  • The download takes a few minutes with a decent internet connection. Once it gets over click on the setup file to install it on your computer.
  • Finally when you are through the step by step process of installing the program launch the program and you are ready to arrange icons on desktop in various shapes.
  • People interested to try more desktop enhancement software can try Stick-It!, XWidget and Capture.Net

How to Arrange Icons on Desktop Using Desktop Modify:

The moment you launch the program you are presented with the main window with a popup as below. This says that the defaults have been stored of the look of your desktop as it was at the present moment. There are a few instructions on this which you need to do before you start using the program. You would have to disable ”align to Grid” option and de-activate the ”Auto Arrange” feature as per the OS you might be using.f

Now by clicking on Ok you are brought to the main screen of the program. It has numerous options on it backed by an easy to use user interface with enhanced simplicity. On the right you would have the 5 broad options namely:

  • Adjust Shape
  • Manage Layouts
  • Options
  • Get Help
  • About

Now you can play around with the application and use the default shapes available from the list. Select the one you prefer, modify the height, distance, or the size of the effect which your desktop receives and save the layout you have built. If you need to see the preview of the added effects then move your cursor below the 5 broad options where it says "Move mouse over here to see the shape''.

There are many shapes which you can use and customize as per the background you have. It surely makes your desktop look much better than it was before. In the Manage Layout option you have the feature of saving the new layout you prepared or restore the initial layout you had. You may even delete or replace a particular layout if required. Clicking on the Options tab a new pop up appears giving you the option to set a few General and Interface options which you may modify as per your needs.

In case you need any assistance or help you can click on the Get Help option which will take you to the online help website with all the detailed help which you may require to use the software. Finally the About option gives you all the details of the release and links to the support, Facebook, Twitter, and Help & FAQ page. Overall it's a creative and handy app to help you give a new look to your desktop by arranging icons in various shapes.

Related posts:

  1. My Cool Desktop: Arrange Desktop Icons in Various Shapes
  2. Automatically Hide Desktop Icons
  3. Hide Desktop Icons: DeskDuster

Arrange Icons on Desktop in Various Shapes with Desktop Modify was originally published at I Love Free Software


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