I Love Free Software |
- Free Webcam Video Surveillance System: Xeoma
- Make, Receive and View HTTP Requests: HTTP Test
- Android Norton Utilities And Task Killer App
- Free 5GB Automatic Online File Backup: Jotta
- Free Internet Security Software for Firefox: JonDoFox
- 3 Free Android Apps To Broadcast Yourself Live
- Sky Battle: Free Shooting War Game for PC
- Free Mouse Gestures Software For Windows
- Free HTML Editor for Creating Websites: Web Design Pad
- Free Password Manager: Phrozen PasswordWallet
Free Webcam Video Surveillance System: Xeoma Posted: 14 Sep 2012 06:30 PM PDT Xeoma is a free web security application with screen capture support which you can use in order to turn your PC into a video surveillance station with the help of cheap web cameras. Web cams these days are dime a dozen, even those that have better quality and wireless support, wireless being most important because it will gonna make the installation and setup of your security grid a lot more easier. Free version of Xeoma comes with limitations, you can only have 1 video camera or 1 audio source installed, and you can also only have 3 additional modules in use. Modules are what various different security functions that Xeoma offers are called, and they are what makes this free video surveillance software great. Some of the more interesting ones are:
Both free and commercial versions of this free web security suite are offering all of the features listed above, only with the free version we have previously mentioned limitations of only being able to show 1 camera or play 1 microphone at a time. Short 48hr trial of the full version is also available, and here’s how Xeoma looks like with several cameras and desktop screen capture running at the same time. Similar software: Free Video Surveillance System, MyScreen Cam Free, ContaCam. How to setup free web camera security grid with XeomaAdding cameras to Xeoma is very easy, you can use three different connection types for web camera setup in Xeoma: Those three connection types can be seen on the image above, they are:
Camera setup can be reached by clicking on the + sign in the lower left corner of the main Xeoma window. There you can also setup all of the advanced features, the modules, that this free video surveillance system offers. Things like Motion Detection, the module for movement detection is located in filters, and from there you can enable it: Sensitivity can be set, so that the program doesn’t react on every gust of wind that causes tree branches to swing. Remote access to the computer that’s doing the video surveillance is also available: Remote system that you’re accessing is gonna have to have a static IP address, open port and of course Xeoma running with the Repeater setup, which is the server side of Xeoma. ConclusionWith increasing crime rates, installing video surveillance on your property is a very good idea. Burglars might notice that you have cameras installed, and give up on trying to rob you. With Xeoma, the web camera surveillance system, price of your investment goes down, like we already mentioned, cameras aren’t that expensive, and Xeoma is free, so make sure to give it a try, free download. Free Webcam Video Surveillance System: Xeoma was originally published at I Love Free Software No related posts. |
Make, Receive and View HTTP Requests: HTTP Test Posted: 14 Sep 2012 05:00 PM PDT HTTP Test is a program that enables you to make HTTP connections to any server and more importantly, view the results of the request. Viewable information includes header information and other information that your browser will normally hide from you. The program can satisfy your curiosity on how HTTP works or can help you get important information you can use to debug a program. It is critical to note that the program requires a Java installation for it to run. Features of this tool to view HTTP requestsMulti platform: The program runs on a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that can be installed on any platform including MacOS and Linux making it runnable in any platform where the JVM is installed. Support cookies: HTTP Test is able to accept and send program cookies like an ordinary browser does. This helps the server being accessed to keep track of any sessions with the client computer running the application. How to use HTTP TestNo installation is required for this program, it runs as a Java Applet. To run it click on the Run as a Java Web Start application link. Your computer issues a security warning which you will have to accept if you ever want to use this program. Once you run the Applet, go back to the program's homepage and click show HttpTestFrame. This opens the program’s user interface. The interface is very simple and does not include the usual menu bar, icons and such. You get a large text area in the middle to display HTTP Test Program output two text boxes to enter URLs and queries respectively. A few checkboxes to help you choose between various program features and a few buttons to perform certain tasks at the bottom. To send a HTTP test request, enter a valid URL in the appropriate text field. If you wish to add a query add it in the query text field below. Select from either POST or GET commands. You can choose to accept server redirects and to accept cookies by checking their respective textboxes. Click use HttpURL Connection to connect to the URL via a basic HTTP connection. This produces only simple results. The use HttpClient button attempts to open the particular page. It produces quite a number of results including vital information regarding the URL, the computer accessing it and even shows valid cookies and their validity periods. To clear the program results area, click Clear. Clicking Browser Get opens the entered URL in the browser. Pros
VerdictHTTP Test is a simple but none the less useful tool for anyone looking to find out how HTTP request work. Make, Receive and View HTTP Requests: HTTP Test was originally published at I Love Free Software Related posts:
Android Norton Utilities And Task Killer App Posted: 14 Sep 2012 03:30 PM PDT Norton Utilities and Task Killer is a free Android app which enables a smart utility to enhance performance of Android device. This Android app is an official Norton app available in Google Play Store. The Android Norton Utilities app tells you the battery usage and other information, enhances the performance by killing running apps in background, alerts you on over usage, and app manager to manage installed apps. The app is simple and easy to use. You just have to launch the app, select the right widget tab, and work accordingly with utility for Android. Lets discuss each widget tab. Battery:Battery widget of the app tells you the level of battery left for usage. You can easily view the percentage of battery level left and then work accordingly on your Android. The utility app changes the profile of your Android on certain selected battery level. This ensures longer life of your Android's battery by changing profile on which your Android phone battery consumption reduces. The battery level displayed is explained with a battery widget showing the percentage level of the battery. Performance:Performance widget tab of the app allows you to enhance the working performance of your Android. The widgets include the control on Memory usage, CPU usage, and Network usage on Android. To control the memory usage and free up the memory, select the unused application running in background and kill them to free up the memory usage. You can also kill all the apps running all together. But, many a times it happens that you want to kill only some select apps or program running on your Android. In those cases, you can exclude the apps from being killed. Now kill all the remaining apps to enhance your system performance. Also, monitor the CPU usage by the apps on your Android phone. Killing running apps enhances the CPU performance which in turn results in overall system performance of your Android phone. Network option of the app displays the list of all the apps which are running and consuming the network data on your Android. Overage Protection:Overage Protection tab of the app helps you to get alerts when you overuse the data which includes talk time minutes, free SMS, and the total data provided by your service provider. You can set a target limit of your data which you get from your service. Now, the app automatically alerts you when you cross your data limit which includes free minutes, free SMS, and internet data. Also, you can add Wi-Fi data usage limit which alerts when you cross the data usage while surfing on Wi-Fi network. App Manager:App Manager of the app lets you kill the applications running in the background of your Android. This option of Norton utility allows you to batch uninstall the selected applications. Also, you can move the selected applications to SD card of your Android phone. If we talk about overall performance of Norton Utility & Task Manager application, then the app can be said as one of the perfect one to enhance or improve the system performance. Also, you can install Advanced Task Killer app to enhance performance of your Android system. Install Android Norton Utilities App:Click here to download and install Norton Utilities & Task Killer app. You can also scan the QR Code below to install the app directly on your Android phone. You can also check out Android cleaner and optimizer app. Android Norton Utilities And Task Killer App was originally published at I Love Free Software Related posts:
Free 5GB Automatic Online File Backup: Jotta Posted: 14 Sep 2012 02:00 PM PDT Jotta is a free online file backup service which you can use to backup important documents and files from your desktop computers or laptops running Windows and Mac OS X, and also from your smartphones and tablets which are running iOS and Android. Using the client applications, they are available for free download, you can automate the backup process and have your files uploaded to the Jotta storage at scheduled times, without you having to get involved. To use Jotta free online backup service you’re first gonna have to register and afterwards download the free client application which is gonna be used to upload and backup documents online. Free Jotta accounts can use up to 5GB of storage which is gonna be available to them without any kind of limitations, for as long as Jotta exists. Upgrades are also possible where you can pay in order to get unlimited storage, it is gonna set you back 7$ per month, which isn’t a lot when you think about all the space that you get. Other interesting features that Jotta has would be:
As you can see from the image above in order to start using Jotta. after the desktop client is installed and after you’ve logged in, you can start uploading files right away by dragging and dropping them onto the upload area. That should start the backup right away, but if you want to schedule uploads, you’re gonna have to play with options a bit more. Similar software: File Secure Free, Ocster Backup. How to backup files with Jotta – free online data backup serviceOn the image above you can see image upload in progress. You can add several folders at once, and they are all gonna be uploaded, how fast depends on your internet connection. In the lower right corner notice that there’s an upload bar where you can see how much time you have left. The same thing can be seen in the Transfers tab, only there you can also see the status of the download, which can be started in the Restore tab. Backup scheduling for the added folders is made in the Settings tab under Schedule. There you can set day and hours that you want files backed up, as you can see on the image above. Folders added to the upload queue are gonna be monitored and if new files become present they are gonna be backed up automatically. ConclusionJotta free online backup service is very simple to use and it offers a lot of space for the free accounts, more than enough for document and even photo backup. If you want more, simply upgrade to one of the paid accounts and you’ll receive unlimited space. Schedule your backups and see them go up automatically. Free 5GB Automatic Online File Backup: Jotta was originally published at I Love Free Software No related posts. |
Free Internet Security Software for Firefox: JonDoFox Posted: 14 Sep 2012 12:30 PM PDT JonDoFox is a free internet security software for Firefox that has been designed to enable secure web browsing. This free internet security profile for Firefox is very useful for people looking for software that helps them in anonymous web surfing. It ensures private web browsing and keeps you safe from advertisers and hackers. The software uses multiple servers and a layered encryption that makes it the best in its kind. The free Firefox browser profile works best when it is integrated as a Firefox add-on. Installing JonDoFoxTo install JonDoFox you need to go here. Click on the download button and an .exe file will be downloaded. The .exe file is of around 22MB and takes some time to download. After the download is complete click on the .exe file and the installation process will start. The installation is a bit complex and asks numerous questions. You need to select the appropriate options according to the one suitable to you. It is important that you use a proxy tool or proxy service like Stealthy, Freegate or FoxyProxy Standard to get the best out of JonDoFox. Interface of JonDoFoxThis free Firefox browser profile has a simple and an interactive interface. It will not be easy for new users to use all the functions in the JonDoFox interface. Once you start using all the complex functions you will become comfortable with the interface of the software. The software has a pretty straightforward interface and does not have many menus or options. You can see all the activities in the main screen of the software itself. Using this free internet security softwareThis free Firefox browser profile follows a very complex process and you need to follow each function properly to complete the process. Once you install the software you need to configure it with your browser and your system. The anonymizer in the software is known to be the best as compared to other software. It is recommended that you use this with your Mozilla Firefox web browser for using it easily. The software works well to keep your data secured and protect you from third party interference. You need to configure this free internet security profile for Firefox properly with your web browser security features. The toughest thing is to configure it with your system. You need to make sure that the software is set up properly with your ISP, antivirus software, and browser. While you are setting it up and configuring, the software will assist you explaining each and every step properly. At the top right corner you can find the configure option. Once you click on the configure button a window appears, here you can find options like user interface, payment, and network. By clicking on the user interface option you can make changes on the look of the software. You can change the look and feel to metal, nimbus, windows classic, etc. There is a drop down menu that helps you to make changes in the language. The font size can be increased to 130%. In the view jap/jondo option you can select the view that you like. Then there is the payment option that enables you to make payment if you are using a free version. In the network section you can select the type of network you have and set it up with your internet connection. There is an option in the main screen where you can put your anonymity on or off. All in all JonDoFox is complex software but good for the protection of your system while you use the internet. Free Internet Security Software for Firefox: JonDoFox was originally published at I Love Free Software Related posts:
3 Free Android Apps To Broadcast Yourself Live Posted: 14 Sep 2012 11:00 AM PDT Here, are 3 free Android apps to broadcast your live video. You can stream live mobile videos with your Android phone. Google Play store has many Live streaming apps that help you to broadcast yourself live over web, between Android devices, and between Android to any other smart device. We will discuss about best 3 Android apps to broadcast yourself live on Android phone. Apps include Veetle; one of the most popular one in Google Play Store, Bambuser app, and Ustream app. You can install one of these apps and enjoy live streaming on your Android and across the web. Veetle:Veetle is a free Android app to stream live mobile videos on Android. This Android app allows you to broadcast live videos from one Android to other, Android to iPhone, and Android to web. The app works with a very simple logic. You just need to register with your email ID, username and password with Veetle and you are done with. Now, launch the app on your Android phone and start video streaming. You can watch the live video streaming on web, on any other Android phone, or on your iPhone. To start the live streaming, tap on the red record button in the app and then the video will go live which others can watch in real-time. To watch the live video streaming, you need to login with the same username and password on the web, Android, or iPhone. Live video with Veetle app has some limitation which is very minor and can be ignored. There is time gap between the live video played and the actual video recorded through the Android phone. The live video which you watch will be played a bit later than what is being recorded in real-time. But no need to panic, as the app records and plays the full video which you record through your Android phone. Apart from watching the live video streaming, the app also saves the previously recorded video which you can watch anywhere by logging with same username and password of your Veetle account. The video which you record can also be marked as public view. Marking video as public view gives the authority to any local member of Veetle to watch the video. Bambuser:Bambuser is a free Android app that allows you to broadcast yourself live on Android. This Android live streaming app is similar to Veetle app as discussed above. But, Bambuser skips the limitation of time gap between the actual video played and the video which is being recorded in real-time. Before getting started with Bambuser app, you need to sign-up with unique username and password on Bambuser.com. After signing-up with Bambuser, you can download and install Bambuser app on your Android phone. Now, tap on the settings button and login with the same username and password on your Android phone. Start the video recording by clicking on red button in the app. The live streaming will now start and you can watch the live video stream on the web on Bambuser.com. I didn't find any limitations while testing the app on my Android phone. Ustream:Ustream is a free Android app to stream live video on Android phone. Ustream is a simple yet useful app that provides fast and clear live video streaming on Android. After recording the video from the app, you can easily allow your friends or anybody to watch the live video streaming. To watch the live video streaming one needs to login with the same username and password of Ustream. You can open Ustream.tv and watch live video stream on web. After entering the username and password of Ustream on web, you need to head to dashboard option. In the main dashboard you will find "go to channel" button at right top of the webpage. Click on the channel button to start watching the live video stream which you are recording from your Android phone. Like Bambuser app, Ustream does not provide any time gap between the live video stream played and the actual video recorded. But, yes, it totally depends on the internet on which your Android phone and PC is connected. Internet speed too should be good enough to stream the live video properly without any breakage. I also tried testing Justin.tv Broadcaster app on my Android phone, but due to some system issue of Justin.tv, the app was not working on my Android phone. If you want you can install it and try the app to watch live video stream. Let us know if it works for you. If you find any other Android Live video streaming app for your Android, then do let us know in comments below. You can check out Air Playit; live video streaming for iPhone, iPad, and Android. You can even read a review on free video streaming software; Sopcast for Windows. 3 Free Android Apps To Broadcast Yourself Live was originally published at I Love Free Software No related posts. |
Sky Battle: Free Shooting War Game for PC Posted: 14 Sep 2012 09:30 AM PDT Sky Battle is a shooting war game available for free download on your PC. Shoot the enemy planes and bring glory to your country. You are a pilot from the times of World War 2. You can choose from different varieties of planes and missions. Your missions include patrolling, invasion, destroying enemy planes, and much more. About this World War Game:In this war game you have to protect your country from the enemies. Fly around the borders of your country or invade other countries. This game has two modes: Campaign and Quick Play mode. Campaign: In campaign mode you have to select your choice from two teams. The first team is Russia, Britain, and USA. The second team consists of Japan and Germany. If you choose first team then your missions are: Chalkin Gol, Invasion, Barbarossa, Europe Sky, and Defeat. The second team’s missions are: German Aces, War Breaking, Berlin Sky, Kamikaze, and Imperior Hero. Each mission has 33 goals to complete. After you complete the initial goals then the higher goals will be unlocked. You can choose from different planes; but some are locked and you have to complete missions to unlock them. You also have to choose from three different skill levels: Novice, Soldier, and Ace of Aces. Novice means you are a beginner, soldier means you are good at tackling your enemies and Ace of Aces means you are a pro; ready for any dangerous attack. Quick Game: In quick game you will be asked to choose from different options like: Terrain, Weather, and Skill level. The weather options available are: early morning, sunny, rainy, tonight, and night. Here also the skill levels are: Novice, Soldier, and Ace of Aces. You will be given a mission and a place on the map where you have to fly. From the above screenshot you can see the map and your plane is indicated with White color; located at D5 position. You may be asked to visit any location for completing the mission; then this map comes handy. Your battle screen shows various parameters. On the top right you can see Speed; which indicates at what speed you are cruising. Height and throttle of your plane is also indicated. Life of your plane is indicated; this indicates the damage level of your plane. Planes and objects option shows how many planes and objects you destroyed during the campaign. The right bottom corner indicates the directions; but actually it's a radar indicating all the planes and objects in your premises. Left Bottom corner shows the speed and height meters. The center of the screen shows your gun’s aim. If the machine gun is used continuously it heats up; this is indicated on a meter below your aim. The center bottom shows the missions or place to visit. The enemy planes are indicated in Red color always; with a small icon. The other colors are our team planes. So, be careful while shooting the enemy planes; you might end up shooting your own team planes. Sometimes in a mission you are required to shoot objects to complete a mission. Don’t worry about the oil, there is no limitation to your flying time. Controls:The plane functions like a real fighter plane from the old times. The controls of the plane are:
This war game has very good graphics and nice plane simulation effects. Sometimes while closing the game it may show error; but it's not a major problem. If you like to try another war game, then go for Hidden and Dangerous. Fly the planes and let me know your views on it. To play this war game Download Sky Battle here. Sky Battle: Free Shooting War Game for PC was originally published at I Love Free Software Related posts:
Free Mouse Gestures Software For Windows Posted: 14 Sep 2012 08:00 AM PDT Here are 5 free mouse gestures software for Windows. With the help of these mouse gestures software, you can easily assign different tasks that you perform while computing, to different mouse gestures. These software are capable enough to recognize or identify the mouse gesture made by you, and performs the task associated with that particular mouse gesture. Using these mouse gestures software, you can make your computing easier like never before, as you can effortlessly perform the frequently repeated tasks through mouse gestures. Try these mouse gestures software for free. gMotegMote is a free desktop application that let's you easily control several computer programs using mouse gestures that are hand drawn. This mouse gestures software is fully customizable and has got a capability to perform all the keyboard functions. In addition, this free mouse gestures software comes with few basic gMote actions like clipboard functions, browser functions, control the Windows explorer, control the media player, etc. In addition, with the help of mouse gestures created using this software, you can quickly access all those frequently used windows program. Apart from English language, gMote supports Chinese as well. And you are even allowed to customize this program to start with Windows start-up. Read more about gMote or try it here. StrokeItStrokeIt is another free mouse gestures recognition software that lets you perform several tasks through mouse gestures. As it's a mouse gestures software, it recognizes the mouse gesture drawn by you, and performs the action assigned to that particular mouse gesture. StrokeIt comes with a command editor window, that includes several daily used application and few global actions to which you can set the mouse gestures. Moreover, you are even allowed to add any new application, new actions and new set of commands for making StrokeIt more useful. StrokeIt can be disabled at any point of time with a single click right-click on the system tray icon of StrokeIt. The system tray icons turns to red color when disabled. Try StrokeIt for free. Read more about StrokeIt or try it here. You may also check out MouseFIGHTER to control mouse cursor with keyboard. StrokesPlusStrokesPlus is a free mouse gestures software to control several tasks on computer using hand drawn mouse gestures. This free mouse gestures recognition software resides in your system tray and works from the system tray itself. When you right-click the system tray icon of this free software, it offers you with several options like Close, Training mode, use right button, use left button, use middle button, draw gestures, actions, preferences, etc. So it's upto you whether, to select left, right or middle button of the mouse to draw gestures. You can draw gestures using mouse to perform some very common and basic actions like navigating forward/back, minimizing/maximizing windows, etc. Try StrokesPlus for free. Read more about StrokesPlus or try it here. Just GesturesJust Gestures is also a free mouse gestures recognition tool that recognizes several mouse gestures, and instantly performs the actions associated with the mouse gestures. Just gestures comes with few default mouse gestures to perform certain actions, however, it even let's you manually create and modify your own gestures. This free tool comes with an Auto Behavior feature to track your mouse activities in order to perform mouse gestures. Just Gestures comes with a capability to recognize or identify complex mouse gestures. Use just gestures to create your own mouse gestures for performing various functions using your mouse only. Try just Gestures for free. Read more about Just Gestures or try it here. Also, check out MouseControl to enhance mouse control. Clicky MouseClicky Mouse is a free software which helps you to perform several Windows tasks using mouse gestures. So you can easily access any application on your computer by simply making the mouse gesture assigned to it. Clicky Mouse comes with few default macro commands which you can use to test the program basics. This free tool offers few cool ways to start certain commands like you can shake mouse horizontally or vertically, use mouse wheel, move mouse to screen edge etc to activate a command. This free tool offers the Macro command recording, so you can record any task which is frequently performed, and this tool will automate the task whenever you draw a mouse gesture assigned to it. Try Clicky Mouse for free. Read more about Clicky Mouse or try it here. Free Mouse Gestures Software For Windows was originally published at I Love Free Software No related posts. |
Free HTML Editor for Creating Websites: Web Design Pad Posted: 14 Sep 2012 06:30 AM PDT Web Design Pad is a very useful HTML editor which you can use in order to easily create professional looking websites. The main feature which Web Design Pad has would be the fact that next to standard HTML code editing you can also switch to a graphical editor where you will be able to change things directly to the website layout, without dealing with the website code, in other words without doing any heavy lifting that website development usually requires. What you see on the image above would be the default interface of Web Design Pad with a file opened inside. At the top of the main toolbar, which is where all the large icons can be seen, there are six tabs that’s where you will be switching between various different tools that this free HTML editor has. Some of the more interesting features found in Word Design Pad would be:
In fact as you can see from the image above, tabs are always present when you are working on website design, one for code editing and another one next to the code tab where you can see previews of the file that you are working on. How you’re gonna be creating website in the Design Pad is all up to you, but it’s best that you start your HTML adventures by learning the syntax and how to actually create websites by only using the code at first. Similar software: medit, Tag Controller, Write Monkey. How to create websites with Web Design Pad – free HTML editorLike we already mentioned, the best way that you can start developing websites would be by learning HTML. Web Design Pad is a great tool which is gonna make things a lot more easier on you, but if you do not know HTML, then you won’t be able to create efficient web pages. Website preview with the inbuilt web browser that Web Design Pad has can be seen on the image above. To create a website you’re gonna have to open up a new file by clicking on the File tab or you can open an existing website, copy the HTML code that it has and simply continue editing it inside Web Design Pad. Use the Insert tabs in order to add various different HTML tags easily with just a few mouse clicks. Using HTML coding, not the graphical editor to create your websites is gonna make them more efficient, and it will decrease the amount of unnecessary code which is added to your creation, which is what graphical editors are known to do. ConclusionCreating websites with Web Design Pad is very easy, with website previews while you’re working on a page and again with inbuilt browser you can see everything while the website is being created. Application is free, try it out and see how useful it can be. Free HTML Editor for Creating Websites: Web Design Pad was originally published at I Love Free Software Related posts:
Free Password Manager: Phrozen PasswordWallet Posted: 14 Sep 2012 06:00 AM PDT Phrozen PasswordWallet is a handy, free password manager designed to keep all your login credentials safe and secured. With increased usage of internet and more and more people having their online profiles and using the internet to perform transactions, the need for keeping all the login credentials secure has increased drastically. Phrozen PasswordWallet is a powerful tool which is difficult to crack, thus ensuring that all you save within this program remains secured and helps you to secure all your passwords. Installing this free Password ManagerThe download process and the installation of this free password manager are pretty simple whereby you just need to visit the developer's website here and click on the download link. Once you do so the installer gets downloaded on your system and you would be required to run the setup process. A step by step process is what follows after you launch the downloaded exe file and thus installs the program on your system to help you secure all your passwords. If you are interested to try some more password tool, you can check out iPassMan, MobileWitch Pass Safe and MyPadLock. User Interface of Phrozen PasswordWalletWhen launched a small window appears on the screen with a few options on it. It looks as if the login window for a particular program window asking you to insert a username and password with the settings option below. Using this free Password ManagerIn order to start using the high end features which this free password manager comes installed with, you need to create a new account by clicking on create new account option on the main window. A new window pops up where you would be asked to insert your preferred user name and password. Just after you have your account created you would see a bigger window appear on the screen with an image of a safe in the background. The main window has 4 options at the bottom namely:
Updates provide you with a link to the update page of the program, about section provides the basic information of the software i.e. version, developer details etc., logoff represents logging off from the current session, using the account option you could change the password or go back to the login screen. To start securing you passwords and other details you would be required to right click in the blank area on the left of the main window. The options available are:
Click on the create root folder option and create a new folder depending on the thing you wish to save the details under. Now you need to right click on the folder and select create root key. This would ask you to name the particular segment you created for the passwords, usernames, urls, etc. you wish to save under this key name. For example you wish to save credentials for your email accounts then you could name this key as email and proceed. Now you need to scroll to the right of the screen and right click in any of the blank area. Select the option of add new entry which pops up a new window to insert the relevant details. Thus click on the add option at the bottom of your screen and your credentials would be saved and displayed in the blank window. Now, after you have saved all your details, you could log out and keep them safe. To access them all over again, you would need to launch the program and login again. Download Phrozen PasswordWallet free. Free Password Manager: Phrozen PasswordWallet was originally published at I Love Free Software Related posts:
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